Newsarchiv: Aktuelles
Jahr 2021
Tagungsbeiträge, Vorträge
- Martin Arnold, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference "Multibody Dynamics 2021", 12.-15. Dezember 2021, online conference (hosted by Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Ungarn)
- Modular modelling, Modular simulation, Modular time integration. - Martin Arnold, Kaiserslautern Applied and Industrial Mathematics Days KLAIM 2021. - Fraunhofer ITWM, Kaiserslautern, October 2021
- Multistep DAE integrators on Lie groups. Martin Arnold ( (gemeinsam mit V. Wieloch und S. Hante) Tagung: Numerical Treatment of Differential and Differential-Algebraic Equations. NUMDIFF-16, Halle (Saale), September 2021
- How to verify worst case asymptotic error bounds for co-simulation algorithms. - Martin Arnold, COSIM 2021: International Symposium on Co-Simulation and Solver Coupling in Dynamics.- May 2021, online event hosted by University of A. Coruña, Ferrol (Spain)
- Lie group methods for industrial multibody system simulation. - Martin Arnold (gemeinsam mit V. Wieloch und S. Hante), Online course on Geometric Integration and Lie group methods organized by NTNU Trondheim (Norwegen) as nwt6 in the training programme of the European Training Network "Numerical Modelling of Highly Flexible Structures for Industrial Applications (THREAD)", - February 2021
Jahr 2020
Tagungsbeiträge, Vorträge
- Modular modelling, Modular simulation, Modular time integration. - Martin Arnold, ECMI Webinar "Math for Industry 4.0 - Models, Methods and Big Data". - December 2020, organisiert von WIAS Berlin (online)
- Numerical solution of time dependent differential equations: Constrained systems, Coupled differential equations, Geometric integration. - Martin Arnold, SynBio-Meeting "Synthetische und biologische Makromoleküle", 20. November 2020, Halle (Saale)
- A variational integration approach to the full discretization of a geometrically exact Cosserat beam model in Lie groups. - Stefan Hante, Martin Arnold und Denise Tumiotto, "Online symposium on flexible multibody system dynamics" der Uni Innsbruck, September 2020
- BLieDF - a multistep Lie group integrator for constrained mechanical systems. - Martin Arnold, V. Wieloch und S. Hante, FoCM Workshop on "Geometric Integration and Computational Mechanics", - June 2020 (online)
Jahr 2019
Tagungsbeiträge, Vorträge
- Vortrag beim 8th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics,
Stefan Hante, Kassel, August 2019 - Numerical and analytical aspects of measure differential inclusions from non-smooth mechanics,
Manuela Paschkowski, Kassel, August 2019 - Hidden constraints and their time-discrete counterparts
Martin Arnold, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, Duisburg, Juli 2019 - Lie Group Variational Integrators for Constrained Mechanical Systems Applied to a Constrained Cosserat Rod Model,
Stefan Hante, Martin Arnold, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, Duisburg, Juli 2019 - Victoria Wieloch, SciCADE, Innsbruck, Juli 2019
Vortrag im Minisymposium Structural approaches for differential-algebraic systems - Helmut Podhaisky, SciCADE, Innsbruck, Juli 2019
- Helmut Podhaisky, Conference NSIDE 2019, Gdansk, Juli 2019
- The flying spaghetti: Geometric simulation of beams and rods
Stefan Hante, TEDxUniHalle, Mai 2019 - Orbital convergence of timestepping schemes for non-smooth mechanics,
Manuela Paschkowski, DESCRIPTOR Workshop, Paderborn, März 2019 - Lie group time integration for constrained mechanical systems: BLieDF for variable step sizes for k=2,
Victoria Wieloch, DESCRIPTOR Workshop, Paderborn, März 2019 - Helmut Podhaisky, Research stay at University of Zaozhuang, Teaching scientific computing with python
University of Nanjing, Strong stability preserving general linear methods of high order
Februar 2019 - Improved initialization schemes for the time integration of constrained systems
Martin Arnold, GAMM-Jahrestagung 2019, Wien, Februar 2019
Jahr 2018
Tagungsbeiträge, Vorträge
- Three Lie group DAE time integration methods tested on a Cosserat rod model,
Stefan Hante, Martin Arnold, NUMDIFF-15, Halle, September 2018 - Diskretisierungen mit versetztem Gitter auf Lie-Gruppen mit Anwendungen in Balken- und Schalentheorie,
Stefan Hante, Fachvortrag an der TU Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Juli 2018 - Helmut Podhaisky, CMAM-8, Minsk, Juli 2018
- Constrained systems in multibody dynamics,
Martin Arnold, Invited keynote lecture zur 5th Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics (IMSD2018), Lissabon, Juni 2018 - Solvability and sensitivity analysis of measure differential inclusions, Manuela Paschkowski, Workshop Analysis and Numerical Approximation of Constrained Systems, GAMM-Fachausschuss Numerische Analysis, Sion, Schweiz, April 2018
- Periodic solutions of measure differential inclusions,
Manuela Paschkowski, Martin Arnold, GAMM Jahrestagung 2018, München, März 2018 - Staggered grid discretizations on Lie groups with applications in beam and shell theory,
Stefan Hante, Martin Arnold, GAMM Jahrestagung 2018, München, März 2018 - BLieDF:Lie group time integration for constrained mechanical systems with large rotations,
Martin Arnold, Stefan Hante, Victoria Wieloch, GAMM-Jahrestagung 2018, München, März 2018 - On the composition of B-series under the simplifying assumption C(q), Helmut Podhaisky, ANODE 2018, Auckland, Februar 2018
Jahr 2017
Tagungsbeiträge, Vorträge
- The SNiMoWrapper: An FMI-Compatible Testbed for Numerical Algorithms in Co-Simulation,
Stefan Hante, Martin Arnold, Markus Köbis, IUTAM Symposium “Solver Coupling and Co-Simulation”, Darmstadt, September 2017 - Zero stability of variable step size DAE integrators,
Martin Arnold, V. Wieloch, SciCADE 2017, International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations, University of Bath (UK), September 2017 - On the composition of B-Series and the simplifying assumption C(q),
Helmut Podhaisky, SciCADE 2017, International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations, University of Bath (UK), September 2017 - Lyapunov stability of measure dierential inclusions applications in nonsmooth mechanics with singular mass matrices,
Manuela Paschkowski, Martin Arnold, European Dynamics Conference, Budapest (Ungarn), Juni 2017 - Mathematical tools for the analysis of smooth and non-smooth systems with redundant constraints,
Martin Arnold, Manuela Paschkowski, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, Prag (Tschechien), Juni 2017 - Stability bounds for step size ratios in variable time step implementations of Newmark integrators,
Victoria Wieloch, Martin Arnold, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, Prag (Tschechien), Juni 2017 - Configuration spaces with Lie Group structure: A novel
approach and its application to a Cosserat beam model,
Stefan Hante, Martin Arnold, GAMM-Jahrestagung 2017, Weimar,
März 2017 - Energy transfer from high frequency to low frequency modes in implicit time integration of nonlinear stiff mechanical systems,
Martin Arnold, GAMM Jahrestagung 2017, Weimar, März 2017 - Investigation of phenomena in the Western Baltic Sea: online coupling of ICON and GETM with ESMF³,
Tobias Bauer, CW 2017, Princeton (NJ, USA), März 2017
Jahr 2016
Tagungsbeiträge, Vorträge
- On the construction and analysis of general linear methods, On the composition of B-series and the simplifying assumption C(q),
Helmut Podhaisky, ICNAAM, Rodos (Griechenland), September 2016 - Lie group time integration for constrained mechanical systems, Martin Arnold, Interdisziplinares Seminar Mathematik und Mechanik, Kaiserslautern, Juli 2016
- Rechnen im Imaginären: Mit Quaternionen die Welt verdrehen, Martin Arnold, 15. Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Halle, Juli 2016
- Global error recursion in terms of vector valued error terms,
Martin Arnold, 5th Workshop on Stability and Discretization Issues in Differential Equations, Trieste (Italien), Juni 2016 - Stiff nonlinear potential forces in time integration,
Martin Arnold, 4th Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics, Montreal (Kanada), Juni 2016 - Analysing and constructing high order G-symplectic methods,
Helmut Podhaisky, Lund (Schweden), Juni 2016 und Minsk (Weißrussland), September 2016 - Land-ocean interaction mediated by coastal upwelling and sea breeze: online coupling of atmosphere and ocean models,
Tobias Bauer, DCMIP 2016, Boulder (CO, USA), Juni 2016 - Lie-Gruppen, Kabelbäume und differenzierbare Mannigfaltigkeiten, Martin Arnold, 27. IndustrieTag InformationsTechnologie (IT)2, Halle, Mai 2016
- Solvability of initial value problems for multi-body systems with redundant unilateral constraints,
Manuela Paschkowski, GAMM-Jahrestagung, Braunschweig, März 2016 - Least squares approximations in the time integration of overdetermined differential-algebraic equations,
Martin Arnold, GAMM-Jahrestagung, Braunschweig, März 2016 - Two derivative SSP methods,
Helmut Podhaisky, Auckland (Neuseeland), Januar 2016
Jahr 2015
Tagungsbeiträge, Vorträge
- Variable step size implementation of a generalized-α
Lie group integrator,
Victoria Wieloch, Martin Arnold, NUMDIFF-14, Halle, September 2015 - Unique solutions of initial value problems for mechanical systems with redundant unilateral constraints,
Manuela Paschkowski, Martin Arnold, NUMDIFF-14, Halle, September 2015 - Lie group time integration of a nonlinear geometrically exact Cosserat rod model,
Stefan Hante, Martin Arnold, NUMDIFF-14, Halle, September 2015 - Coupled error propagation in terms of vector valued
error terms,
Martin Arnold, NUMDIFF-14, Halle, September 2015 - A pertubation analysis for the dynamical simulation
of mechanical multibody systems,
Martin Arnold, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference Multibody Dynamics, Barcelona(Spanien), Juli 2015 - Effective order Runge-Kutta methods with free output,
Helmut Podhaisky, John Butcher, NUMDIFF-14, Halle, September 2015 - Functional Mockup Interface (FMI): A framework for
modular time integration in nonlinear system dynamics,
Martin Arnold, 4th Workshop on Parallel-in-Time Integration, Dresden, Mai 2015