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Newsarchiv: Oberseminar
Jahr 2021
16. Februar 2021 (16:30 Uhr)
Bastian Schmidt
"Approximative Lösung von Maxwell-Gleichungen mittels neuronaler Netze"
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16. Februar 2021 (15:30 Uhr)
Lars Lange
"Analyse und Anwendung von Stochastischen Gradientenverfahren für Maschinelles Lernen"
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10. Februar 2021
Hannes Junker
"On the History of Mathematical Models in Context of Research"
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26. Januar 2021
Rico Weiske
"On improving the order of convergence of the BDF2-Maruyama method"
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5. Januar 2021 (16:30 Uhr)
Manuela Paschkowski
"Qualitative behaviour of solutions of the impact oscillator"
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19. Januar 2021
Raphael Kruse, Helmut Podhaisky
"On implicit random Runge-Kutta methods"
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Jahr 2020
15. Dezember 2020
Antonia Kaufmann
"Numerical Parameter Identification in Models of Single Cantilever Beam Test Analysis"
10. November 2020, 15:30 Uhr
Stefan Hante
"A Variational Integration Approach to the Full Discretization of a Geometrically Exact Cosserat Beam Model in Lie Group"
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22. September 2020, 9:00 Uhr
Teo Mudrić (Rijeka)
"Rocking of a rigid block on an elastic beam - a nonsmooth mechanical system with unilateral contact and Coulomb’s friction"
27. Oktober 2020, 13:00 Uhr
Johanna Weinberger (TU Berlin)
"Implicit Euler Scheme for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations with Monotone Drift"
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Donnerstag, 24. September 2020, 10:00 Uhr
Davide Manfredo (Marie (Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the Fraunhofer Institute of Industrial Mathematics (ITWM) in Kaiserslautern)
"Neural networks in the simulation of inelastic Cosserat rods"
28. Januar 2020
Monika Eisenmann (Lund University)
Randomized schemes for the approximation of nonlinear evolution equations